Running with the Mouse

About the Column

Disney travel experts agree on one thing: relax, take your time. But when it comes to Disney's marathons and other running events, they're wrong. In a race, you can't take your time. And you also can't show up with just your two feet expecting to win - or even finish! Preparing for a Disney marathon requires discipline, hard work, and good advice. We can't help you with the discipline or the hard work. But Robert Mathis, owner of DisneyRunning and one of the few people designated by Disney as 'Perfectly Goofy' for his frequent participation in their running events (since 1996!), has lots of good advice. So relax, take your time, and read his weekly column.

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FROM: Running with the Mouse Published As Needed

Disney Running Shoes

What are you wearing? On your feet, of course. I suppose it really doesn't matter now, since all you're doing is using a computer, but if you plan to run at Disney, the right footwear becomes crucial. Robert Mathis explains...

When preparing for your first Disney race, the most important piece of equipment is shoes. You need the right running shoes to compete well. If your shoes aren't properly fitted, your performance will suffer, you risk injury, and you won't enjoy the race.

The biggest mistake you can make with running shoes is to buy them at a bargain store or at a department store. Good running shoes cost good money - but they're an investment in your future as a runner, and they'll keep you healthy and happy.

Here are some things to keep in mind when buying your first pair of running shoes:


Pronation, or the rolling of the foot from heel to toe through your foot strike, has three types: neutral, underpronation, and overpronation.
  • Neutral pronation is the hitting of the outside of the heel and up to the ball of your foot evenly across the front. You can tell if this is your problem by the sole of your shoe wearing uniformly across the forefoot. Recommendation: stability running shoes.
  • Underpronation is not enough evening out so that the outside of your foot takes most of the shock. You can tell if this is your problem by the sole of your shoe wearing mostly on the outside. Recommendation: cushioned running shoes.
  • Overpronation is too much roll across from the outside to the inside of your foot. You can tell if this is your problem by the sole of your shoe wearing mostly on the inside. Recommendation: control running shoes.

Shoe Shape

Now that you know your foot type, you need to find the right shoe shape. Running shoes usually come in three shapes:
  • Straight: the best shape for overpronators
  • Semi-curved: the best shape for underpronators
  • Curved: the best shape for neutral pronators

Local Running Store

The key to selecting the right shoe type and style is visiting your local running store. Its employees have the knowledge and expertise to help you find the best possible pair of shoes. To assist them in doing that, make sure to bring (or wear) your old running shoes, and make sure they measure your feet (in case your old shoes weren't properly sized).

Now walk, don't run (not yet!), to your first pair of running shoes, the first step in preparing for your first Disney race.


Stuff Not to Skip

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