
About the Column

Admit it. You do it a lot. You ask yourself: Why Did Disney DO That?!? Maybe you ask others, too. Maybe you gather in groups, gnaw on turkey legs, and ponder what Disney does. But any such gab sessions inevitably lead to confusion and perhaps frustration. Because none of us have the answers. Disney has the answers, but it's not telling. The Mouse justifies its actions either with "it's part of our business plan" or the even more nebulous "it's part of Walt's vision". You deserve better. In his column, Lee Beatens will uncover the truth. Or at least deliver some entertaining rants.

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FROM: Why Did Disney DO That?!? Published As Necessary

The Dark Side of Disney Cinema

Fairy tales are often not pretty. They delve into our darkness, bring our fears to the fore. Many Disney movies are based on fairy tales, and for once Disney does not sugar-coat. What sharp teeth, what evil eyes...

Disney movies have a very squeaky-clean image. We have frolicking animals, beautiful Princesses with happy endings galore, and more fuzzy feelings than the average person can stand without gagging.

But Disney also has a darker side.

Run! It's a Disney Movie!

For example, almost every Disney villain gets to die in a horrible way: Falling off a cliff; Hanged by the neck; Impaled. You get the idea.

And no one can produce a cartoon that can scare the pants off you like Disney!

But because Disney has such a squeaky-clean image, we tend to forget this darker side. So if someone (like me, right now) were to question Disney's decisions to add horror into almost every movie it makes by saying...

Why does Disney DO That?!?

...they (or me, right now) would probably come under fire.

Bring it on!

It's true, ever since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disney has entertained AND scared us. And our children.

Minority groups have attacked Disney for years over this issue while the majority has attended movie theaters in droves to help make Disney millions.

So is there really an issue here?

Disney and the Dark Arts

A little fright never hurt anyone, and children especially enjoy a good scare. But what if it's taken too far? And just how far is too far? Everyone is likely to give a different answer to that question.

I think with the release of The Princess and the Frog, this issue came to the fore once again. The film prominently featured the practice of voodoo. The villain was a voodoo priest and the film graphically depicted his dark arts. Is such a realistic depiction still just a 'good scare'?

Many thought not. And the box office for Tiana was disappointing for Disney. Rapunzel far out-performed her. But why? Tiana was loved as a great Princess! Her story touched many, and the movie was well written overall. So what happened?

Were Disney fans sending a message?

No one can say for sure. But maybe Disney should squelch any over-the-top scares for a while. Even though today's children are savvier than the young of yesterday, maybe today's parents aren't quite ready to let their children see more than they themselves did.

Maybe these parents want more cartoon bunnies, and fewer realistic voodoo priests.

And children who can sleep at night.


Stuff Not to Skip

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