Interview: Ruth King, House of Blues

Looking for the blues at Disney World? Ruth King's got 'em...

I was bitten by the blues when as a kid I found an old Janis Joplin cassette near the seldom-used railroad tracks that ran through my rural home town. From there, I followed the tradition back to Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Leadbelly, and Robert Chambers. Following it forward, way forward, I recently 'found' an artist of close calibre in the least likely of places: Downtown Disney.

Ruth King has been performing at the Orlando House of Blues in Downtown Disney for the past ten years. Her concerts range from small acoustic sets on the 'Front Porch' to full-blown stage performances in the Blues Kitchen.

In this short interview, originally conducted for my forthcoming book, MouseMeals, Ruth shares insight into her musical inspirations, how she become a Downtown Disney regular, and what to expect at her show. As you read, why not listen to the featured track ("Ain't Gonna Feel Bad About It") on Ruth's website to set the mood. You won't feel bad about that, for sure.

You taught yourself as a child to play the guitar, but in later years did you have the benefit of any mentors or formal training? Which blues musicians did you admire and emulate when developing your own style?

Ruth: My guitar and vocal styles had their beginnings with my environment (a family of musicians) and continues to develop even to this day. My best mentor is internationally known vocal coach, Seth Riggs. I asked a touring singer friend (and publishing collaborator), Trace Balin, how she keeps her voice coming from the right place within - physically - and she gave me a cassette tape of Seth Riggs which I studied and still study. His book is called Singing For the Stars.
Growing up and listening to music I took my inspirations from Janis Joplin, Barbra Streisand, the Temptations, the Jackson 5, and James Taylor.

If my arithmetic is correct, you've been performing at the House of Blues in Orlando since 2001. How did you get started there? Do you know of anyone else who has been performing regularly at HOB for longer than you?

Ruth: Early on, the HOB held a Monday night showcase in their large performance hall hosted by David Schweitzer (Davy Rocker). I was allowed to sing there. I was so excited and nervous. This was a big deal for me! My friend, stylist Angela Shoemaker, helped me with hair, make-up (back when I used make-up), and wardrobe - even designing and making the outfit I wore that night.
Afterward, my Career Coach, Shannon Bradford, advised me to keep 'a running conversation' with the booking agent at HOB over the next several weeks. This I did... but, my true break there was when Folk Art Gallery owner/operator Jeanine Taylor hosted a pre-art festival party and hired me to perform at the first annual HOB Folk Art Festival (2001) which has since grown into the fabulous Downtown Disney Masters Art Festival held every November.
Then, in October 2001, WLOQ promoted an impromtu concert in the main performance hall with The Rippingtons to raise money for the September 11 relief cause. I was the opening act. In the audience after my performance I spoke with a huge NYC fire-fighter who had just left Ground Zero. He thanked me in tears - said I was an 'angel'.
Not much later I began singing regularly on the HOB's Front Porch. There are several other entertainers who were there then and we are still there loving life!

Ruth with shades on and acoustic guitar in hand

Compare your Front Porch and Blues Kitchen concerts. Is one acoustic, the other electric? Are the audiences at each show substantially different or do they both include quite a few Disney tourists?

Ruth: On the Front Porch I have nature which so inspires me. Birds, sky, sunset, moon, stars. The night lights make it truly magical. I have diversity of audience members (all ages!) and I have a greater amount of time to connect with them. It's more one-on-one intimate which lets me do sing-alongs and encores. CD sales are better there for some reason. However, I do have the cold, the heat, and enough plumes of cigarette and cigar smoke to often trigger actual asthmatic episodes.
In the Blues Kitchen there is a stage with lighting and sound. I most enjoy performing in this type of venue, though I still have a lot to learn about it. I'm not as used to it as I am singing next to a bar. Somehow my audience doesn't find me quite as approachable. I am always trying to bring the same intimacy that I enjoy on Front Porch into my 'Ruth King Band' show in the Blues Kitchen.
Both shows are acoustic. The band greatly enhances my songs musically. Both venues draw a high percentage of Disney tourists. This is great for me since my new CD, "Ain't Gonna Feel Bad About It", was released earlier this year and so I call EVERY performance in 2010 a 'CD RELEASE PARTY'. Each week I have a brand new, world-wide audience to celebrate with me!

What's a typical Front Porch set? Your own music, primarily, or a mix of your stuff and covers? Are there any 'signature' songs you always play?

Ruth: My Front Porch set starts out with a rhythmic song (cover or original) having dynamics and melodies I can enhance with my voice. Often, I begin with Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, or Bonnie Raitt. Folks have a relationship with songs by those performers - as do I. So, by covering them I satisfy and make a connection with the audience as I sing - often exclaiming, "Hey! We like all the same songs!" In moments like these I feel there is a two-way trust, ease, and openness of heart with my audience. At that point I may perform several of my 'in concert singer/songwriter' originals like I do at festivals, at showcases, and in listening rooms.
On the Front Porch, I perform four one-hour shows with fifteen minute breaks in-between. At first this seemed like a lot - almost a marathon. Now I find my performance stamina is very strong. One night at another venue I sat down and played for four solid hours without a break. The management was beyond impressed. They were worried and kept bringing me water and tea and asking if I needed anything. Nothing was wrong. I was having fun and the audience was right there with me.
My signature songs are, and gratefully, several of my original compositions from my CDs. They're often requested by audience member. Some newer ones from my latest CD are "Back To Start", "Shadow", and "Safe In Love". As for covers, songs by Tina Turner, Janis Joplin, and Tracy Chapman have become signatures of a sort for me.

Ruth performing at a Haiti Relief Concert in Mount Dora, Florida

What are some of the acts you've opened for in the Blues Kitchen?

Ruth: The Rippington's Concert by WLOQ; The Little River Band by WMMO (twice).

Are your CDs available for sale at your HOB shows? How else can people buy them?

Ruth: I have a CD display at all my shows and I get to mention this, though infrequently. HOB doesn't want an audience to feel overwhelmed by an artist selling CDs. The best place to get my CDs is my website, RuthKingBlues. How nice that I am my own music distribution company! This is a new day in the music industry...

Have you ever performed at the Gospel Sunday Brunch or at a Disney musicial venue?

Ruth: Once during a Gay Days celebration I performed music on the Front Porch stage and then joined the Gospel Brunch ensemble inside the music hall for the finale of the show. I have never performed at Disney or Pleasure Island.

Have you eaten at the House of Blues yourself? What's your favorite dish?

Ruth: The House Of Blues have generously gifted me with hundreds and hundreds of meals at my performances. My favorite: SWEET POTATO FRIES AND CORNBREAD! I am a complete fan of their entire menu even after all this time. That says A LOT about a restaurant.

How about other restaurants at Disney (Downtown or otherwise): any favorites?

Ruth: They rock, but in Downtown Disney I eat only at HOB. It's that bayou spirit.

With so much achieved in your career - an international fan base, four original music CDs, a voting membership with NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) - what's your next big accomplishment?

Ruth: Wow. That's kind. Thank you. Now I am working with some very talented individuals to produce music videos for the release of songs from my new CD. And one day, my screenplay - a musical.
Thanks, Bob. I do hope to sing for you sometime!

It's All About Ruth

If you'd like to buy one or perhaps all four of Ruth's blues CDs - and why wouldn't you? - you can get them from her on-line store. Her first three albums are available on iTunes, too.

Have an upcoming event that'd be better with the blues? Book Ruth: her site has details and requirements. If you have no events of your own, make sure you catch her act at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney. Check Ruth's schedule or call 407 934-BLUE for the latest information.

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