Disney's Comic Creator Contest

Bring some pow! frzzt! kathoom! into your day with a new app from Disney that lets you create your own Marvel comic book from pre-drawn objects and then share your masterpiece with others. Not enough? There's a contest, too. With prizes. Excelsior!

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Disney, of course, owns Marvel, for my money the best comic book publisher on the planet, and the recipient of virtually all my spare change back when comics cost 20 cents each.

I liked the words more than the pictures because, well, I can't draw.

So I never dreamed of drawing my own Marvel comic.

But now, rather late in the game, Disney has invited me (and the rest of the world) to create a Marvel comic - and best of all, done the hard work for me!

Disney's newest Flash app, Comic Creator, provides budding Kirbys and Ditkos the online opportunity to drag objects onto a blank comic book panel, then share the results with other visitors to the site.

By creating a comic, you'll be eligible for entry into a contest with the grand prize your comic panel included in an actual Marvel comic book. (Hurry! Contest ends May 31!)

I took it for a spin.

After a few minutes spent selecting a frame, background, character, special effects, and dialog balloons, I had created a panel you will never see in a comic book:

I could have used other tools to paint, fill, and otherwise spiff up my creation, but I really liked how I had placed the Black Widow in the Hudson River, her back to an asteroid about to smash into the city.

If you take it seriously, and if you put in the time, you can create some truly stunning comic art, as others have already done.

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