Matthew Palm Finds Big Brother at Disney World

The Orlando Sentinel's Matthew Palm feels repressed, in a Big Brother sort of way, by Disney's harmless though pernicious new marketing campaign, Let the Memories Begin. Matthew thinks Disney is forcing him to have... memories. Would he rather forget?

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Pixie dust aside, Disney is a corporation.

A really big corporation, and like all really big corporations, it does some ridiculous things.

When that happens, I'm usually the alpha male in poking fun.

Matthew J. Palm, the self-titled 'Theme Park Ranger' of the Orlando Sentinel, tried very, very hard yesterday to poke fun at Disney's 'Let the Memories Begin' campaign.

He thinks Disney has become Big Brother.

I regard 'Let the Memories Begin' as a forgettable marketing slogan, for which Disney probably paid some firm tens of thousands of dollars, and I don't feel as if Disney is forcing me to make memories.

The Theme Park Ranger feels differently.

And his fun-loving friends have gone quip-crazy. One of them saw a crack in the sidewalk and told the Ranger: "I need to remember this crack in the sidewalk."

All joking aside, the Ranger ends on a serious note: "Memories evolve naturally - not because a corporation insists on them."

Is he joking?

Let the Memories Begin!

Or else...?

Stuff Not to Skip

  • Disney's 'Let the Memories Begin' Campaign a Bit Heavy-handed [Orlando Sentinel]
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