Of Planning Charts, Feathers, and Bunkers

The merits of a meticulously planned Disney schedule

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My friends over at The Mouse for Less usually deliver more, not less, of my daily consumption of Disney digital dainties.

Like the short article posted today by Naomi called I'm Doing What???.

The title caught my eye, of course, and no, smart guy, it ain't what you're thinking.

What Naomi's doing is planning for her next Disney trip. Big deal, right? We all do that. But Naomi does it on charts and checklists decorated with Disney characters - one chart for dining, one for attractions, etc.

At first, I thought they were wall charts (the dry erase kind) and that she hung them on the four walls of a brightly lit underground planning bunker.

Now I'm not so sure. Maybe they are wall charts. Or maybe they're just papers. I'm pretty sure there is no underground planning bunker. Except for mine...

Unlike Naomi, I'm not a big-time trip planner. I try to get everything onto a single sheet of paper. Most of the space is taken up with dining reservations, phone numbers, and so forth. I usually jot down which parks will open early or stay open late during my stay.

That's it! The rest depends on my mood of the moment.

I'm sure I get less done than the folks who craft master plans much like the Allies did for the Invasion of Normandy, but I'm happy to drift like a feather.

I will say that I'm tempted to duplicate Naomi's beautiful charts. Down in the bunker.

Why not drift like a feather over to The Mouse for Less and check 'em out for yourself.

Don't stop there! More Tidings Await...

Stuff Not to Skip

  • Naomi on The Mouse for Less
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